Through My Body, My Rights, our partners have implemented strategies that are changing lives.
They partners are making care more accessible to Roma women and girls, creating supportive contexts in which people are well equipped to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and advocating locally and nationally for political and financial commitment from public authorities.
Our partners’ energy and dedication will continue to drive progress. But the precious steps that are enabling communities to build safer and healthier lives can only be truly sustained and built upon if decision-makers at all levels commit politically, and invest structurally in essential areas.
Decision-makers should adopt an intersectional approach, recognise that Roma women and girls face particularly high and specific obstacles to access to SRH due to discrimination and exclusion, and adopt the targeted measures required to remedy them, both in policies and budgets.
RecommendationsWe call for the following steps
to be prioritised:
Ambitious political commitments on access to SRH for Roma women and girls are made and implemented through European and national policies. (e.g. implementation by governments of the EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation, including its objective on access to SRH).
See note
The European Commission’s Council Recommendation on Roma equality, inclusion and participation includes many specific actions to ensure equal access without barriers to quality healthcare services for Roma people, which the EU4Health Programme should support, including: to support health mediators (9.(b)); to prevent and combat discrimination against Roma people, by awareness-raising concerning non-discriminatory health-care provision and access to health, training health practitioners to recognise and tackle discrimination and its root causes (9.(c)); and to promote and improve access for Roma women to quality medical check-ups, screening, prenatal and postnatal care, counselling and family planning, as well as sexual and reproductive healthcare (9.(a)(i)).
Financial investments are made to improve access to SRH for Roma women and girls through national and regional budgets. (e.g. in the EU’s response to COVID-19, the EU4Health Programme).
See note
The European Commission’s Council Recommendation on Roma equality, inclusion and participation includes many specific actions to ensure equal access without barriers to quality healthcare services for Roma people, which the EU4Health Programme should support, including: to support health mediators (9.(b)); to prevent and combat discrimination against Roma people, by awareness-raising concerning non-discriminatory health-care provision and access to health, training health practitioners to recognise and tackle discrimination and its root causes (9.(c)); and to promote and improve access for Roma women to quality medical check-ups, screening, prenatal and postnatal care, counselling and family planning, as well as sexual and reproductive healthcare (9.(a)(i)).
Contraceptives and related sexual and reproductive healthcare are made freely and easily available for all people who cannot afford them.
Provision of relationship and sexuality education is introduced and supported, both in and out of schools.
The position of health mediator is officially recognised, and governments invest in this crucial function.
Family planning is included as an integral part of maternal health policies, programmes and budgets.
Inter-sectoral collaboration at local level in support of family planning is enabled and encouraged, bringing together NGOs, health and social services and professionals, schools, community nurses and community leaders. Decision-makers should consult and collaborate with this wide range of actors.
Mobile health teams are set up and enabled to deliver sexual and reproductive healthcare in remote communities.
Investment is made in the training of current and future care providers, health mediators, educators and community workers to ensure they can provide high quality counselling on family planning and SRH.
Download a PDF version of this presentation
of My Body, My Rights here.
If you would like to know more about this work, please get in touch with IPPF European Network:
IPPF European Network is one of the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s six regional networks. IPPF EN works in over 40 countries across Europe and Central Asia to empower everyone, especially the most socially excluded, to live with dignity and to have access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Learn moreAddress: 55, Rue Royale
1000 Brussels,
Phone: +32 (0)2 250 0950